Our customers share their home cleaning tips for spring
To some, spring cleaning is a welcome chance to get down and dirty to revitalise the home for summer. For others, it’s the most loathed all household chores delayed for as long as possible.
We put the call out to Kleenheat customers for inspiration on some sure-fire spring cleaning tips to simplify the process and have your home sparkling in no time.
Here’s the pick of the bunch:

Get the carpets cleaned on the first warm day of spring and then wipe everything down with a spritz of water, vinegar and soluble eucalyptus oil.

De-clutter, get rid of anything you no longer use. Clothes, appliances & furniture can be donated to those in need.

Mulch the garden to save on watering and keep those beautiful blooms.

Clean out your linen closet and get rid of all those items you no longer use. You’d be surprised how much storage space you create!

Use the old rule – if you haven’t used it or worn it in the past 12 months then donate it to charity or sell for some extra cash.

Do it little by little – 30 minutes each day spread over a week is easier than four hours in one day.

Use cleaning vinegar, bi-carb soda and lemon juice mixed in a spray bottle for bathrooms, toilets, the kitchen, or washing floors.
Got more spring cleaning hacks to share?
Let us know of any tips or tricks you use when spring cleaning your home by commenting below, or drop us a line at our Facebook page.