National Asthma Week 2015
Kleenheat are proud to be partners of Asthma Foundation WA (AFWA) to help raise money for Asthma Emergency Kits in schools, with every $50 donation providing one more kit to WA classrooms. AFWA donations will be used exclusively for asthma education in schools and the provision of asthma emergency kits containing medication for children and staff suffering with the disease as part of each school’s education program.
This week is National Asthma Week (1-7 Sept) and it falls in the first week of Spring, making it the perfect time for people with asthma to reassess how well controlled their asthma is.
Everyone’s asthma is different, and can change over time. Symptoms often vary from person to person.
How do you recognise asthma?
- People with asthma can have a range of symptoms:
- Breathlessness
- Wheezing
- Tight chest
- Persistent cough
- Symptoms often occur at night, early in the morning, or during/after activity.
A person’s asthma symptoms can vary over time – sometimes they will have no symptoms, especially when asthma is well controlled.
How do people with asthma keep safe and well?
While we still need to find out more about what causes asthma, we do know a lot about how to live well with asthma. Most people can carry out their lives normally, by following simple asthma treatments.
Arrange to see your doctor for a review of your asthma at least twice a year.
How do your symptoms help you understand your asthma?
Everyone’s asthma is different and can change over time: that’s why it’s important for people with asthma to see their doctor at least twice a year for an asthma checkup and more frequently if they have concerns.
If you have asthma, see your doctor if you:
- Wake up coughing, wheezing or breathless
- Struggle to keep up with normal activity
- Use your reliever more than 2 days per week
- Are unsure about the way your medications can work best for you
- Have had asthma symptoms in the last month or a flare-up in the last year and you are not yet on an asthma preventer medication
Your local Asthma Foundation can help you:
- Learn about asthma and asthma first aid
- Learn about your asthma symptoms, triggers and medication
- Learn about written asthma action plans
Top tips to reduce pollen exposure from National Asthma Council Australia
- Try to stay indoors during and after thunderstorms.
- Keep car windows closed and use recirculated air when pollen levels are high. Car air filters will also help.
- Consider planting a low allergen garden around the home.
- Check plants in your garden for those that could be aggravating asthma/allergies.
- Wear glasses to keep pollen out of your eyes.
- Avoid mowing lawns or wear a mask if it is unavoidable