Reticulated LPG Standard Gas Price

Price Component Prices from 1 October 2024 (incl GST)
Residential Customers:
Daily supply charge $0.39 per day
Usage charge $10.630 per cubic metre
Account Service Fee Prices from 1 August 2016 (incl GST)
Cheque Payment Fees
Kleenheat no longer charges a fee for costs incurred for processing and banking payments by cheque.
Dishonour Fee
Covers the costs incurred when a cheque or bank account direct debit is dishonoured
Overdue Notice Fee
Covers the cost of printing and posting overdue notices.

Gas Service Fees

Gas Service Fees Prices from 1 August 2016 (incl GST)
Special Meter Reading
Recovers the fee charged by the meter reader to attend a property to carry out a special meter reading.
Booked Meter Read Fee
Recovers the fee charged by the meter reader to carry out a meter reading at a specified date and
time, am or pm.
Meter Retake and Test Fee
Recovers the fee charged by the meter reader for removing a meter and testing it in a laboratory.
This fee is refundable to the customer if the meter is found to be faulty
Meter Removal Fee
Recovers the fee charged by the network operator for the removal of a gas meter at the request of customer.

Disconnection Fees

Disconnection Fees Prices from 1 August 2016 (incl GST)
Standard Disconnection
Recovers the fee charged by the gas fitter to attend a property to disconnect the gas supply by means
of inserting a disc into the meter to obstruct the flow of gas.
Standard Reconnection
Recovers the fee charged by the gas fitter to attend a property to remove the disc from the meter to
restore gas supply.
Remove Regulator
Recovers the fee charged by the gas fitter to attend a property to disconnect the gas supply by means
of regulator removal.
Reinstall Regulator
Recovers the fee charged by the gas fitter to attend a property to reinstall the regulator and
reconnect gas supply.
Disconnect Service in Street
Recovers the fee charged by the gas fitter when disconnection of supply can only be achieved
by disconnecting the service pipe in the street.
Reconnect Service in Street
Recovers the fee charged by the gas fitter to attend a property to reconnect the gas supply,
previously disconnected in the street.

New Connection to the Network Fees

New Connection to the Network Fees Prices from 1 August 2016 (incl GST)
New Connections where a gas meter is not at property Fees will apply to connect the property to the gas service line for the first time.As customers’ individual circumstances will vary; a quotation will be provided to advise you of connection fees.